
I am learning the art of finding shimmers of grace in dirty dishes and growing kids and many, many cups of coffee. Check out this post for more about that!

Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, I developed a life-altering relationship with Jesus. It was also in Chicago that my passion for Mexican food began from a Taco Bell Burrito Supreme. (I know. That’s gross.)

Two years in Jordan (where there is NO Mexican food) launched my love for coffee, hummus, and falafels. I honestly ate a falafel sandwich almost every day that I lived there. I now buy Trader Joes’ Cilantro Jalapeno Hummus in the suburbs of Colorado as I cook gluten free food for my husband and four kids. (Maybe I should start a food blog….)

I thank God for people like Ann Voskamp, Bill Hybels and Henri Nouwen who remind me to revel in the beauty of ordinary days and live out my deep life purpose. I drink gallons of very average coffee every day to keep it all afloat.

Grab a cup of coffee and join me in the adventure!

Family portrait 2014

13 thoughts on “About

      1. Of course, Marianne! Lots of people have this theme! My husband started a blog awhile back and used that theme, too… unbeknownst to me! Great minds think alike!!


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